Bye Quarter 3!
There is no difference between the first and second quarters and this third quarter. I've learned about fresh topics and things. There are many obstacles we have to conquer. There are times that we are very down and we lack of confidence in our selves. Me and my classmates have sleepless nights, and are stressed. Performance outputs really put as in the edge. We question ourselves. Can we make it in time? Can we do it?. And many complaints I’ve heard from my classmates. Eventually, I’ve learned that even if everybody is so down, who always complains, and are so stress out, in the end of the day we still smile and we are proud of our efforts. We didn't just accomplish the given task, we also make our bond stronger. Furthermore, I don't particularly enjoy reporting. That is the phrase I will always remember, however, I have come to recognise that while creating and completing our reports, I have learned and grown more confident in myse...