It has finally come to an end


Another chapter has ended. Another lessons learned. Another memories has created. Another me has improved. As I flipped every page of my book, I realized that I have reached the end.

The 4th quarter was a mix of fun and exhaust mentality. Weeks and days of torture not just physically but even mentality. I was close to giving up, research after research, quizzes after quizzes, and many more but I need to make it to the finish line, so I did. But along with this tiring works, I learned, I improved, I excelled, and I gained. Sometimes we do not win after all the efforts we did but thinking of it , we did not just do it for grades, the moments, the experience is all what matters in the end. I question my teachers, why are they giving us to much of works? But at the after finishing the works that have given, I understand why, and so I thank them because I know they are giving the works they know we can make it. We just need a little more push. At the end of the day it was us, students that will benefit. We just need to be patient.

I am ready to finally close this chapter of my life carrying a lot of experiences and learnings. And I hope that with these learnings and experiences, I can use this on my next chapter.

Book the end


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