On the process

    All of us have dreams and goals that we want to achieve in life. But as the future passes by our minds, a lot of questions pops out. Will I be successful in 10 years from now? Will I be able to achieve and reach my goals in life?

    I have too many questions in my head, which makes me anxious even to consider the future. Many goals i want to achieve. But at the end of the day i strive and prove myself that I can do it. And having the confidence that I could make it, excites me for my future. Dream big that's what I always hear, I ask myself what do i want to become? Is it right for me? Questions after questions. But i believe in myself that I could make it, and live on the present while waiting patiently to become who will i be in 10 years from now. Just believe and have trust in yourself. Don't be nervous for your future, sit back, enjoy and go with the flow.

    Our futures comes with a responsibility. And pressure is just our enemy. So for now, for enjoy the moment as a youth.

Concept of motivation to drive success stock illustration.
      https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1453313439/vector/concept-of-motivation-to-drive-success.jpg?s=612x612&w=is&k=20&c=fUg9cD43uXUgMHKgiiOI56Tuus0DwgBBzXi_guy Onx0R9Q=


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